Diversity Leadership

Tray Robinson
Inclusion Diversity Equity and Anti-Racism Officer, Chair, Diversity Committee, and Campus LGBTQ+ Liaison
Malcolm J. McLemore
Director, Student Belonging and Empowerment
Robin J. Bonner |
Special programs Clerk, Queer Resource Center and Campus LGBTQ+ Liaison |
879-6145 | bonnerro@berxwedan.net |
Shaun-Adrián Choflá | Lead, Gender Sexuality Equity Team | 895-2550 | choflash@berxwedan.net |
Cristina Dahl | Coordinator, Puente Program | 895-2278 | dahlcr@berxwedan.net |
Jamie L. Dillard | Director, Disabled Student Programs and Services | 895-2445 | |
Malcom Dixon | Student Success Specialist, Black Leadership and Cultural Center | 895-2907 | dixonmal@berxwedan.net |
Vance Edwards | Program Coordinator, Inspiring Scholars | 815-9895 | edwardsva@berxwedan.net |
Yolanda Salazar Garcia | Director, TRiO Student Support Services | 895-2412 | salazargarciayo@berxwedan.net |
Liliana Guzman | Grant Manager, DHSI CASA Project | 893-7560 | guzmanli@berxwedan.net |
Frankie Medrano | Native American Center Supervisor, Retention | 895-2256 | medranofr@berxwedan.net |
Mallory Holt | Supervisor EOPS/CARE | 893-7550 | holtma@berxwedan.net |
Brenda Rodriguez | Student Success Specialist, Undocu Center | 895-2817 | rodriguezbr@berxwedan.net |
Katya Ponce Sanchez | Special Programs Clerk, Culture and Community Center | 895-2312 | ponce-sanchezka@berxwedan.net |
Pablo A. Suarez | MESA Director | 879-4301 | suarezpa@berxwedan.net |
Maisue Thao | API Resources | 895-2989 | thaoma@berxwedan.net |
Dan Torres | Senior, Financial Aid Veterans Assistant | 895-2338 | torresda@berxwedan.net |
Rachel Wood | Program Coordinator, Insternational Student Recruitment and Services | 895-2991 | woodra@berxwedan.net |
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