Diversity Leadership

Diversity Leadership

Diversity Leadership

Tray Robinson

Tray Robinson

Inclusion Diversity Equity and Anti-Racism Officer, Chair, Diversity Committee, and Campus LGBTQ+ Liaison
Malcolm J. McLemore

Malcolm J. McLemore

Director, Student Belonging and Empowerment
Monica Brown

Monica Brown

Director, Student Equity and Achievement
Robin J. Bonner

Special programs Clerk, Queer Resource Center and Campus LGBTQ+ Liaison

879-6145  bonnerro@berxwedan.net  
Shaun-Adrián Choflá Lead, Gender Sexuality Equity Team 895-2550 choflash@berxwedan.net 
Cristina Dahl Coordinator, Puente Program 895-2278 dahlcr@berxwedan.net      
Jamie L. Dillard Director, Disabled Student Programs and Services 895-2445


Malcom Dixon Student Success Specialist, Black Leadership and Cultural Center 895-2907 dixonmal@berxwedan.net 
Vance Edwards Program Coordinator, Inspiring Scholars 815-9895 edwardsva@berxwedan.net 
Yolanda Salazar Garcia                                                                                                            Director, TRiO Student Support Services 895-2412 salazargarciayo@berxwedan.net 
Liliana Guzman Grant Manager, DHSI CASA Project 893-7560 guzmanli@berxwedan.net 
Frankie Medrano Native American Center Supervisor, Retention 895-2256 medranofr@berxwedan.net 
Mallory Holt Supervisor EOPS/CARE 893-7550 holtma@berxwedan.net
Brenda Rodriguez Student Success Specialist, Undocu Center 895-2817 rodriguezbr@berxwedan.net 
Katya Ponce Sanchez                                                                  Special Programs Clerk, Culture and Community Center 895-2312                                                                                              ponce-sanchezka@berxwedan.net 
Pablo A. Suarez MESA Director 879-4301 suarezpa@berxwedan.net 
Maisue Thao API Resources 895-2989 thaoma@berxwedan.net 
Dan Torres Senior, Financial Aid Veterans Assistant 895-2338 torresda@berxwedan.net 
Rachel Wood Program Coordinator, Insternational Student Recruitment and Services 895-2991 woodra@berxwedan.net